Art is Life

Start-up Projects

AFISA: the experience of art in hospitals

21 September 2023 will see the inauguration of AFISA, an art project for social issues in collaboration with the Galliera Hospital in Genoa and under the patronage of the Genoa City Council.

40 artists have donated their works reproduced in the form of posters that will be put up in the areas agreed with the institution.
People who experience the hospital will be able to choose whether to simply enjoy the images or to accept our invitation to leave a mark on the posters that will inspire them, making them unique and alive. It could be a word or a phrase or a drawing expressing an emotion or a memory, or something you can’t say directly to someone…

AFISA needs help to get started

Make it possible with a donation


IBAN: IT11Q0306909606100000195586

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Closed Events

Passo Blu@Genova Design Week 2023

Passo Blu hosted by Mamodesign, via dei Giustiniani 25, as part of Genova Design Week 2023, On May 24-28 .  

Artists who represented Passo Blu are Paolo Lorenzo Parisi, Isabella Ramondini, Vittorio Valente, Roberto Agostino.

Genova Design Week 2023-immagine logo

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