Our Mission


An antidote to debasement

We believe in the creative act as an indispensable element of healthy individual and social flourishing. The individual as well as the environment in which he or she expresses himself or herself needs to listen to and tell his or her story through a creative act that is aware of its power and responsibility. The work of art in fact stems from an individual unconscious impulse but is part of and expresses the collective one.

Art, therefore, although it is actively expressed by only a few, is actually the work of everyone and concerns everyone. Everyone should be its witness and custodian to some extent.

Art is the place of total freedom,

a territory where those who penetrate it can truly discover and invent. A place where technique does not just mean craft but direct expression of intuition, where an aesthetic gesture can grow and transform itself to the point of also becoming political action.

For us, art is continuous research and discovery,

in perpetual dialectic with history, capable of opening the mind, giving motivation and pleasure, confronting unexpected truths, illuminating the spirit for the life it contains. Far more than entertaining then.

If at all, art describes the psychology of peoples, recounts the mysteries of entire civilisations, sheds light on the shadow zones of human beings and the meaning of their lives.

The nature of art is free and its action
is to liberate life.

We believe that the cultural and social debasement we have been witnessing in recent decades has now permeated everyday life with such a greyness that it has flattened the very needs/offers of the individual. Hope has given way to fear and closure – of mind and feeling – leaving few concrete prospects of seeing the world guided by the quest for knowledge and harmony.

Passo Blu responds to this condition by re-proposing personal growth, cultural exchange, inclusion and the freedom of the creative act as fundamental values, and by promoting/disseminating contemporary art only on the basis of these same assumptions.


© Fazz 2.0

The Board of Passo Blu IAC APS

Federica Barcellona

Director, Screenwriter, Performer

Giusi Lorelli

Photographer, Visual Artist

Gianluca Fazzino

Painter, Art Conservator

Since 1990, she has been studying on the actor’s body (Grotowski, Brook, Barba) following a research on female sensibility. Body writing and video art are the basic inspiration for her creative research, centred on the interaction between the physical body and the represented body. She exhibits internationally.


Initially dedicated to reportage, she has recently specialised in studio portraiture and retouch. At the same time, she has been experimenting for years with a genre she calls pseudomorphic photography in which she mixes studio shooting with digital manipulation close to illustration. Her works have been exhibited in Italy and abroad.


His works are characterised by the use of codes that lead back to an intimate and spiritual research that pertains to the soul even before artistic expression, an investigation that has its source in the deep and ancestral intuition cultivated and transformed into an expressiveness rich in curiosity and experimentation. Colour, volume and air give life to a sort of alphabet of the Ego. The most recent works are inspired by the study of the concept of ‘liquid society’ derived from Zygmunt Bauman’s work “Liquid Modernity”.